Welcome to the 2020-2021 School Year!
Monte Vista PTA invites you to join us in making a difference in the education and quality of life for all children. We realize how important your children are to you and that you want the best for them. The PTA can help you achieve that! We all know children learn more and have better lives when parents, school staff, students and the community work together. PTA can bring these groups together to share thoughts and ideas about programs and activities that benefit children.
When you become a member, your support will bring us closer to accomplishing these goals. Becoming a member does NOT obligate you to volunteer but does show your support to PTA and all the programs that are provided. If you’re able, please attend the General Association (GA) meetings to get advance information about PTA events, budgeting, and meet your PTA representatives.
Our goal is to achieve 100% participation from each classroom. The classroom with the highest participation level (percentage of classroom population) by Friday, September 29th will receive a Pizza, Ice Cream and Spirit Stick Party. Simply complete one of the attached forms, enclose your membership donation and return it to your child’s teacher in the envelope provided, or place it in the PTA box in the front office. There is also the option of joining online. Visit out Totem website:
The following payments will be accepted:
Check payable to Monte Vista Elementary PTA
Credit Card via Square ($1.00 processing fee will be charged)
Some of the events and programs sponsored by Monte Vista PTA this year will include:
Monte Fest
Family Game/Movie Night
Hot Cocoa with Santa
Family Dance
Field Trips both (onsite/offsite)
Educational Assemblies
Family Engagement**
Art & Science Nights**
In order to provide invaluable field trips, family events, educational assemblies/programs, and classroom resources, we will be fundraising through a Product Fundraiser called Mixed Bag Designs, monthly Cook’s Night Off at local restaurants or onsite during family events, and a spring jog-a-thon. Information about these fundraisers will be sent home with your student.
Information about upcoming events, volunteer opportunities and fundraisers will come to you via monthly newsletter, and Facebook.
If you would like more information about Monte Vista PTA, please contact us via email.
[email protected]
Welcome to the 2020-2021 School Year!
Monte Vista PTA invites you to join us in making a difference in the education and quality of life for all children. We realize how important your children are to you and that you want the best for them. The PTA can help you achieve that! We all know children learn more and have better lives when parents, school staff, students and the community work together. PTA can bring these groups together to share thoughts and ideas about programs and activities that benefit children.
When you become a member, your support will bring us closer to accomplishing these goals. Becoming a member does NOT obligate you to volunteer but does show your support to PTA and all the programs that are provided. If you’re able, please attend the General Association (GA) meetings to get advance information about PTA events, budgeting, and meet your PTA representatives.
Our goal is to achieve 100% participation from each classroom. The classroom with the highest participation level (percentage of classroom population) by Friday, September 29th will receive a Pizza, Ice Cream and Spirit Stick Party. Simply complete one of the attached forms, enclose your membership donation and return it to your child’s teacher in the envelope provided, or place it in the PTA box in the front office. There is also the option of joining online. Visit out Totem website:
The following payments will be accepted:
Check payable to Monte Vista Elementary PTA
Credit Card via Square ($1.00 processing fee will be charged)
Some of the events and programs sponsored by Monte Vista PTA this year will include:
Monte Fest
Family Game/Movie Night
Hot Cocoa with Santa
Family Dance
Field Trips both (onsite/offsite)
Educational Assemblies
Family Engagement**
Art & Science Nights**
In order to provide invaluable field trips, family events, educational assemblies/programs, and classroom resources, we will be fundraising through a Product Fundraiser called Mixed Bag Designs, monthly Cook’s Night Off at local restaurants or onsite during family events, and a spring jog-a-thon. Information about these fundraisers will be sent home with your student.
Information about upcoming events, volunteer opportunities and fundraisers will come to you via monthly newsletter, and Facebook.
If you would like more information about Monte Vista PTA, please contact us via email.
[email protected]